Nothing brings partners closer together like a couples massage from Pathway to Serenity. These extremely intimate encounters allow two people to get relaxing massages from two massage therapists simultaneously. Even though couples are enjoying their massages at the same time they do not receive the same massage. One person may be carrying more tension in their shoulders and upper back while the other is experiencing stiffness in the legs and feet. Be sure to discuss each of your specific ailments before the couple massage begins. To book a Couple Massage please call our office for pricing and availablity.
Couples massages make a great gift for anniversaries, or to simply escape together. The massage therapists at Pathway to Serenity specialize in performing the most relaxing couples massage in Reno and Sparks, NV. Your journey to serenity and quality time together begins by being greeted at the door by your massage therapists. They will then brew you a cup of hot tea of your choice and give you a moment to unwind in their relaxation center. To fully enjoy this part of the massage experience, you may want to arrive a few minutes early so as not to take away from your massage time. When you are ready you and your partner will be escorted to our beautifully decorated
Massage is not just a luxury. It's a way to a healthier, happier life | Book Now